One day there was a white snowy owl,and he was on his way to the pumpkin patch. When he got there he saw a sign that said “Don’t destroy the pumpkins!’. He started to walk in when suddenly he saw a green flash. He hurried to see what it was. When he got there he saw a witch, but it ran away. Then he saw a bunch of pumpkins that were destroyed, so he called the M.O.P.S. (Monster Operating Police System). “M.O.P.S. here what’s your emergency?” said the responder. “There’s a witch at the pumpkin patch who’s destroying all the pumpkins!” said the owl. “Okay I’ll send the officers right on over there. Then he heard another loud bang. The owl sneaked over to the bang and he saw the witch destroying the pumpkins.Then out of nowhere he could hear the M.O.P.S. sirens and the witch started to run,but before she got away the owl jumped out and grabbed her and became a hero.